Honduras Trip 2013


Another great getaway to Honduras with the family.  Most of us flew down together into San Pedro Sula, then drove to Trujillo (3 flat tires were actually pretty fun), but Taylor came down a few days later and I met him at the airport, then we got a cab to La Ceiba, where we boarded the ferry to Utila, which was an absolute diver's paradise.  We stayed at the Mango Inn, and had several great drives with Utila Dive Centre, not to mention some great pizza. We were hoping to see whale sharks, and some were spotted on the other side of the island, but no luck.  Oh well, next time! We went back to Trujillo and met up with the family where we enjoyed playing in the pool at Banana Beach Resort, swimming in the Rio Grande with some locals, great meals at Louisa's, the Christopher Columbus, and of course, Banana Beach.  Kenny and Cathy hiked up with us to a waterfall near Santa Fe and some pools that were great for jumping into. Kenny also took us diving in his Zodiac, and took Taylor and I diving, while Lyndon navigated for us on the surface.  The best part (aside from the actual diving) was getting to be human sonar and hopping in on either side of the Zodiac with masks on holding onto a rope and looking down into the depths below hoping to see a good dive spot :) It was an amazing trip, and I look forward to coming down again. Below is an 18 minute video of the trip (a lot of diving footage) and some photos. I hope to get the 2011 trip videos up soon :)